Wednesday, November 18, 2015

No Nonsense November: Simplify Gift-Giving This Year

We started this gift-giving tradition with our children about 6 years ago and it has really changed our focus from gifts, gifts, gifts under the Christmas tree for our children, to a more Christ-centered one.

Our children know that this is how we handle our gifting to them, and they are totally on board with it. In fact, instead of long lists of wants, their Christmas wish lists tend to be very well thought out and composed of things they really want and need, instead of a list of all the cool things their friends have.

They still get a gift from Santa and a small gift from each sibling, and this seems to be a perfect recipe for us to enjoy the fun and excitement of Christmas without going overboard.  This has allowed us to feel the thrill of gift giving and receiving, but now we have more time, energy, and resources to focus more on the real reason for the season-the birth of Christ.

President Thomas S. Monson gave a meaningful talk about gifts titled "Gifts", that really puts things into perspective. Go here to check it out. It's worth listening to!

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