Monday, November 2, 2015

No Nonsense November Day 2-Collaborative Calendaring

Day 2 of No Nonsense November: Collaborative Calendaring

As parents, we are responsible for not only our own calendars, but also that of our spouse and children.  Do you get a little overwhelmed trying to keep track of it all?

Pick a regular time and day each week to sit down with your spouse/family and do some collaborative calendaring.  

Having everyone on the same page and knowing in advance the adventures of the week/month will make this go more smoothly.

Since my children are still very young, my husband and I manage their calendar along with ours. While we make it a point to discuss with them what we are up to for the week and get their input when necessary, we have found it easier to keep track of it ourselves for the family.

My husband and I sit down every Sunday evening after we put the kids down for bed for a 15 minute calendaring session where we both pull out our electronic calendars and discuss commitments for the week and also look forward at the entire month. We sync certain calendars when necessary (more information on this tomorrow). 

Taking a small amount of time to do this each week has made things go more smoothly for our family, and we are able to know when we need to be where, and also when we are over scheduled and need to reduce commitments.

More tips tomorrow on some electronic resources available for calendaring and how you can effectively share specific calendars with your spouse and other family members.

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