Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mothers Day Challenge Day 1

Quality 1: Mothers are STEADFAST

By: Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

I took this picture while on a vacation to Hawaii, at a tourist lookout, popular for it's views of the crashing waves against the rocky shoreline.

While most of the tourists were excitedly taking photos of the surfers and boats IN the ocean, I was fixated on something ON the little hill that was receiving little, if any attention from the other tourists-this Lighthouse.

I couldn't help but think of how important this little lighthouse was to all who were adventuring in the waves, both day and night. This lighthouse, while seemingly insignificant to most, was of the utmost importance, to those it was leading back home to safety.

My thoughts turned to the many righteous mothers, who steadfastly and determinedly plant themselves on a sure foundation and guide their children back to safety amidst the perils of the world. Thesemothers make many personal sacrifices, many times docking their own boats for a season so they can remain stalwart, watchful of, and focused on their little boats.

We are so blessed to have such mothers, and while they might not receive the praise and social status that the world has to offer on social media, Heavenly Father "likes" their efforts a million times over.

How does it benefit children when mother's remain steadfast on the solid ground of gospel principles and shine the Light of Christ to those in their care?

#abundantlife30 #ldschurch #mormon #mothers #motherhood

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