Wednesday, November 4, 2015

No Nonsense November Day 4- Daily Focused Time With Children

Day 4- Schedule daily time spent one-on-one with little children

At my house, we call this "Special Time" for my children who are not yet in school all day. 

This is something I started doing with my oldest daughter, when she was small and I was working from home. I wanted to make sure she got my undivided attention on a regular basis and
"Special Time" was created. She grew to know what this was by name and we both looked forward to it everyday. It was a time for me to put away my schedule, laundry and errands and just bond with my daughter on her terms.

We still do this today with my boys, and it is usually when my baby is napping. My baby gets solo time with me when my preschooler is in school.

The premise of this is simple. Make sure you schedule some time each day where you can be away from other distractions and focus just on your child. And just play! Not a play date with other children, this is just you and your child. Read book, play a game, role play or just chat. In such a fast-paced world, sometimes we lose track of this relationship bonding time that young children need. 

I recently finished reading President Neal A. Maxwell's biography, "A Disciples Life," and he referred to this quality time as "prime time for prime people." 

Other people, friends, and co-workers will come and go, but these family relationships are meant to last forever.

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