Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Unifying Mothers Everywhere

One of the biggest topics of debate I hear among young mothers today is that of which type of mothering is best:

Moms who work from home
Moms who work outside the home
Moms who stay at home

There are so many personal situations and private matters that may be associated with what type of mother one chooses to be. Every mom loves their child and is doing the best they can.

Wouldn't it be amazing if all mothers could become unified on working towards being a "Teach-at-Home Mom," and choose to create an atmosphere of spiritual learning when our children are at home with us-whenever that may be? Teach-at-Home Mom's look for and take advantage of opportunities when prompted to help their children feel the influence of the Spirit and develop stronger testimonies. We can all do this!

These were my thoughts as I studied today's talk "A Child's Guiding Gift," by Sister Durham.

**If you aren't following the discussion on Intagram, please do so at @abundantlife30** I would love your insight and ideas!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Will you accept the April General Conference Talk Challenge? Join me on Instagram!

Follow @abundantlife30 on Instagram as we begin our April General Conference Talk Challenge.

The purpose of this is progress and not perfection as we study and implement the talks into our lives. More than anything, I hope that you will find abundance and peace in your day as we study together and feel the Spirit. 

I know for me, these talks also help me prioritize on what really matters, and allows me to get rid of the things in my life that don't.

We are all  busy and have many things to accomplish daily. This may seem like "just one more thing" you need to do, but try it for 30 days and you will be hooked!

Didn't you just love this picture that Elder Holland used for his talk?

Tag a friend you to join you in this challenge so you have a running partner as you run from the dinosaur and so you can cheer each other on in studying and implementing these talks.

"As good as our intentions may be, we may slip into old habits. We will make mistakes.

But don’t give up! The great thing about the gospel is we get credit for trying, even if we don’t always succeed. With the gift of the Atonement and the strength of heaven to help us, we can improve.

So keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven will be cheering you on today, tomorrow, forever. I will be cheering for you too."  -Elder Jeffrey R. Holland